Op 6 april organiseren we een online sessie over Security Metrics, oftewel het meetbaar maken van security. Reinder Wolthuis (TNO) zal ons bijpraten over de nut en noodzaak van het meetbaar maken van Cybersecurity, vanuit verschillende invalshoeken (weerbaarheidsniveau, compliance, dreigingsprioritering). Daarbij zal zeker ook worden gekeken naar de uitdagingen waar je mee te maken krijgt om metrics te definiƫren en te implementeren. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst is er ruimte om, met elkaar, over dit onderwerp van gedachten te wisselen. Reinder kan hier vanuit zijn achtergrond bijdragen aan de discussie.
19:00 uur | Opening door Pim van den Hoff |
19:05 uur | Presentatie Reinder Wolthuis |
20:00 uur | Discussie met de aanwezigen |
20:30 uur | Afsluiting |
De spreker
Reinder Wolthuis
Reinder Wolthuis is a senior cyber security project manager and consultant with more than 25 years of experience in innovation of information- and cyber-security. He participated in and led many security projects, involving innovations in (cyber)security, conducting security benchmarks & assessments, and security consulting. Reinder is a regular presenter at conferences and also participated in several European funded projects on security. Reinder previously worked for KPN Research and Atos Origin and has joined TNO in 2006. Currently Reinder is involved in a number of cyber security projects for companies in the telecom and banking sector. He was the initiator and program manager for the Shared Research Program Cybersecurity (https://www.tno.nl/srpcybersecurity), 2014-2020, and is one of the initiators and program manager of the Partnership for Cyber Security Innovation (www.pcsi.nl), 2020-2023. Reinder coordinates the EU H2020 project SOCCRATES (SOC & CSIRT Response to Attacks & Threats based on attack defense graphs Evaluation Systems, www.soccrates.eu) on security automation, and is since 2018 involved in the North-Netherlands cyber security program, on automated security and in the lead for the North-Netherlands cyber security research roadmap. Reinder also is involved in the annual European Telecom security benchmark (since 2009), in which already 24 European telecom providers participated. His research interests include Security Risk Management, Security Automation, Security metrics and user-security interaction.